Tuesday, March 24, 2015

diabetic neuropathy tool and methodology

PProblem statement
A descriptive study to assess the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy among diabetic client who visit to diabetic OPD in AIIMS Rishikesh. UK
1.      To assess the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy among diabetic client who visit to diabetic OPD in AIIMS Rishikesh. UK
2.      To associate the selected demographic variables with prevalence of diabetic neuropathy among diabetic client who visit to diabetic OPD in AIIMS Rishikesh. UK
Research approach: quantitative approach
Research design: non experimental descriptive study
Target population: Diabetic Clients
Accessible population: client who visit to diabetic OPD AIIMS Rishikesh
Sample size: 100
Sample design: non probability sampling technique
Sampling technique:  purposive sampling technique
Instrument used: standard scale of sensory and reflex assessment or Semmes Weinstein Monofilament Testing
Data collection method:  Bio-physiological (invitro)
Analysis and interpretation of data:  descriptive and inferential statistics.
Report writing

Demographic variable:

1.      Age:
a)      31 to 40 yrs
b)      41-50 yrs
c)      51-60 yrs
d)     >60 yrs
2.      Sex
a)      Male
b)      Female
3.      Educational status:
a)      Uneducated
b)      Primary
c)      Secondary
d)     Higher secondary
e)      Under graduate
f)       Post graduate
g)      Others
4.      Place of living
a)      Rural
b)      urban
5.      Duration of illness (Diabetes mellitus)
a)      <5 yrs
b)      5 -10 yrs
c)      11-15 yrs
d)     16-20 yrs
e)      >20yrs
6.      Suffering with any of  given illnesses
a)      Kidney disease
b)      Vitamin B12 deficiency
c)      Neither a and b
7.      Habits
a)      Just alcoholism
b)      Just smoking
c)      Both Alcohol and smoking
d)     None
Standard tools for Sensory, motor and   Reflex assessment
1.      light touch  (kinesthetic)
2.      sharp and blend test  (pain)  (if perceived don’t go for further test)
3.      hot and cold test (temperature)
4.      vibration sensation
5.      Muscle strength and movement
6.      Ankle reflexes or Achilles Reflex 

(If possible Semmes Weinstein Monofilament Testing can be used)

Sensory Assessment
Well Perceived
Moderately perceived
Slightly perceived
Not perceived

light touch (kinesthetic sensation)

sharp and blend test  (pain)

hot and cold test (temperature)

vibration sensation

Muscle strength and movement  
Normal motor power
Able to overcome the gravity with resistant
Able to overcome the gravity without resistance
Unable to overcome the gravity
Flicker movements
Total paralysis

Ankle/Achilles reflexes
Brisker than normal

Monday, March 23, 2015

problem statement with objective in nursing

Problem statement:1
A pre experimental study to assess the effectiveness of STP regarding MDR-TB and XDR-TB among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh, UK.
1.       To assess the level of knowledge regarding MDR-TB and XDR-TB among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh UK.
2.       To assess the effectiveness of STP regarding MDR-TB and XDR-TB among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh UK.
3.       To associate the selected demographic variables with pre-test knowledge regarding MDR-TB and XDR-TB among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh, UK.
Problem statement:2
A descriptive study to assess level of knowledge regarding coronovirus among Nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh UK.
1.       To assess the level of knowledge regarding coronovirus among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh UK.  
2.       To associate the selected demographic variables with level of knowledge regarding coronovirus among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh, UK.
Problem statement:3
A descriptive study to assess the awareness regarding current health issues and progress in India among health care workers of AIIMS Rishikesh, UK
1.       To assess the level of knowledge regarding current health issues and progress in India among health care workers in AIIMS Rishikesh UK. 
2.       To associate the selected demographic variables with level of knowledge regarding current health issues and progress in India among health care workers  in AIIMS Rishikesh, UK.
Problem statement:4
A descriptive study to assess level of knowledge regarding Ebola virus among Nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh UK.
1.       To assess the level of knowledge regarding ebola virus among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh UK.  
2.       To associate the selected demographic variables with level of knowledge regarding ebola virus among nurses working in AIIMS Rishikesh, UK.
Problem statement:5
A descriptive study to assess the prevalence of nutritional deficiencies among preschoolers   in selected villages in Rishikesh UK.

1.       To assess the prevalence of nutritional deficiencies among preschoolers   in selected villages in Rishikesh UK.
2.       To associate the selected demographic variables with of nutritional deficiencies among preschoolers   in selected villages in Rishikesh UK.
Problem statement: 6
A quasi experimental study to assess the effectiveness of using iron vessels for cooking in treating anaemia among preschool children with anemia in selected community in Rishikesh, UK
1.       To assess the prevalence of anaemia among preschool children in selected community in Rishikesh, UK
2.       To assess the effectiveness of using iron vessels for cooking in treating anaemia among preschool children in selected community in Rishikesh, UK
3.       To associate the selected demographic variables with prevalence of anaemia among preschool children in selected community in Rishikesh, UK
Problem Statement-7
A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding influenza A (H!N1) among adults in rishikesh, UK
Problem statement-8
A descriptive study to assess the prevalence of PEM and anemia among preschooler in Rishikesh, UK
Problem statemen-9
A stduty to assess the prevalence of diabetic neuropathy among diabetic patient attending Diabetic OPD in AIIMS Rishikesh, UK
Problem statemen-10
A study to assess the level  of knowledge among general population regarding sound regulating system in mobile and its effect on health in Rishikesh, UK
11. Lived experience of primi-mothers
12. Body mechanism among nurses
13. Body mechanism among pregnant women
14. Traditional practices in postnatal care and regarding child rearing
15. A study to assess the anaemia/PEM among preschooler in selected community
Psychology studies
16. A comparative study to assess the level of stress among children between inpatient and outpatient
17. A comparative study to assess the level of stress among children between previous hospitalization and first hospitalization. 
18. A study to assess the prevalence of enuresis among preschoolers in Rishikesh
19. A study to assess the lived experience of children when they go school at first (separation anxiety)
20. A study to assess the level of stress between working and non working women

prevalence of PEM and anemia among preschoolers methodology and tools

Problem statement:
“A descriptive study to assess the prevalence of PEM and anemia among preschoolers   , Rishikesh UK.
1.       To assess the prevalence of PEM among preschoolers, Rishikesh UK.
2.       To assess the prevalence of anemia among preschoolers, Rishikesh UK.
3.       To associate the selected demographic variables with of prevalence of PEM preschoolers, Rishikesh UK.
4.       To associate the selected demographic variables with of prevalence of anemia among preschoolers, Rishikesh UK.

Research approach: quantitative approach
Research design: non experimental descriptive study
Target population: preschool children
Accessible population: preschool children live in around rishikesh
Sample size: 100
Sample design: non probability sampling technique
Sampling technique:  purposive sampling technique
Instrument used: anthropometric measurement and physical assessment.
Data collection method:  Bio-physiological (invitro)
Analysis and interpretation of data:  descriptive and inferential statistics.
Report writing


1.       Age:
a)      3-4yrs
b)      4-5yrs
c)       5-6yrs
2.       Sex:
a)      Male  (M) b) female(F)
3.       Number of siblings:
a)      0    b) 1    c) 2   d) 3 and above
4.       Birth order
a)      First   b) second   c) third    d) fourth  and above
5.       Place of living
a)      Rural area (R)
b)      Urban area (U)
6.      Educational status of the father:
a)      Primary (P)
b)      Secondary (S)
c)      Higher secondary (HS)
d)     Under graduate (UG)
e)      Post graduate (PG)
f)       Others (O)
7.      Educational status of the mother:
a)      Primary (P)
b)      Secondary (S)
c)      Higher secondary (HS)
d)     Under graduate (UG)
e)      Post graduate (PG)
f)       Others (O)

8.      Types of family:
a)      Joint family (J)
b)      Nuclear family (N)
c)      Others  (O)
9.      Income of the family:
a)      <10,000 (LC)
b)      10,000to 25,000 (MC)
c)      26,000-50,000 (UMC)
d)     >50000  (UC)
10.   Food of child:
a)      Vegetarian  (v)
b)      Non vegetarian  ( NV)
c)       Ova vegetarian (OV)

Anthropometric measurement:
Weight (Wt)
Height (ht)
Mid arm circumference (mac)

Sclera or nail bed are pale
a)      Yes
b)      No