Wednesday, February 6, 2013

influenza A (H1N1) methodology and tools

“A descriptive study to assess the level of knowledge regarding Influenza A (H1N1) among adults at selected community in rishikesh, UK”


1.      To assess the level of knowledge regarding Influenza A (H1N1) among adults at selected community in rishikesh, UK”
2.      To associate the selected demographic variables with level of knowledge regarding Influenza A (H1N1) among adults  at selected community in rishikesh, UK”

Research approach: quantitative approach
Research design: non experimental descriptive study
Target population: middle and old age people
Accessible population: people visit to AIIMS rishikesh OPD
Sample size: 100
Sample design: Non probability sampling technique
Sampling technique:  Convenient sampling technique
Instrument used: structured self administered questioners
Data collection method: questioner method
Analysis and interpretation of data:  descriptive and inferential statistics.
Report writing

1.      Age:
a)      18-30 yrs
b)      31-44 yrs
c)      45- yrs
d)     >65 yrs
2.      Sex:
a)      Male
b)      Female
3.      Place of living
a)      Rural area
b)      Urban area
c)      Semi urban
4.      Educational status:
a)      Primary
b)      Secondary
c)      Higher secondary
d)     Degree
e)      Others
5.      Occupation
a)      Health care professionals
b)      Teaching profession
c)      Daily Labor
d)     Unemployed
e)      Others
6.      Types of family:
a)      Joint family
b)      Nuclear family
c)      Others
7.      Economic status:
a)      Low class
b)      Middle class
c)      Upper middle class
d)     Upper class
8.      Sources of health information:
a)      News papers
b)      TV
c)      Internet
d)     Friends and neighbors’
e)      Others
9.      Previously affected with influenza A (H1N1):
a)      Yes               b) No
10.  Presently affected with influenza A (H1N1):
a)      Yes                b) No


1.      Influenza A (H1N1) is a
a)               Viral infection
b)               Bacterial infection
c)               Hereditary disease
d)              Surgical condition
2.      Influenza A (H1N1) is a
e)               Communicable disease
f)                Non communicable disease
g)               Congenital disease
h)               Surgical condition
3.      Influenza virus affects all  of the given except:
a)      Pig
b)      Bird
c)      Human
d)     Dog
  1. Influenza A (H1N1) spread from which country?
a)      Saudi Arabia
b)     Mexico
c)      Japan
d)     England
  1. At which year influenza A (H1N1) started to spread in India?
a)      2009
b)      2010
c)      2012
d)     2014
  1. In India which state is declared as epidemic during 2014?
a)      Gujarat
b)     Rajasthan
c)      Delhi
d)     Maharashtra
  1. Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak is high at what season?
a)      Summer
b)     Winter
c)      Rainy season
d)     All the time
  1. Influenza A (H1N1) virus affects which system?
a)       respiratory system
b)      Cardio vascular disease
c)      GI disease
d)     Skin disease

  1. Is this influenza the same as ordinary influenza?
a)      Less severe than normal influenza
b)     More severe than normal influenza
c)      Same like normal influenza
d)     None of the above
  1. currently for swine flu the incubation is expected to be
a)      1-7 days
b)     5-10 days
c)      7-12 days
d)     9-14 day
  1. Patient is considered contagious for up to
a)      3 days
b)      5 Days
c)       Until the symptoms resolve.
d)     Even after symptom resolve
  1. Who is at risk for influensa A(H1N1)?
a)      Old age people, pregnany women, and children
b)      Vaccinated people
c)      Adults who is not immunized
d)     People live in non endemic or non pandemic area
  1. What are the symptoms of swine flu?
a)      Vomiting, Fever, cough
b)     Shortness of breath, cough, fever
c)      Shortness of breath, diarrhoea, cough
d)     Cough, fever, rash
14.  Which is not the symptom of influenza A(H1N1)?
a)      Body aches, and headaches
b)      Nausea and vomiting
c)      Cough, sore throat and  diarrhea
d)     Constipation  and  oligouria
15.  Should people avoid travelling to countries affected by swine flu?
a)      Yes, we should not travel at any time
b)      We can travel, if we have enough immunity power
c)      We can travel With specific precautions
d)     We can travel after quarantine period
  1. Is it safe to eat pork and pork products?
a)      Yes
b)      No
c)      Don’t know
d)     No proof from pig to human transmission 

  1. What do you do if you get sick?
a)      Stay at home from school or work.
b)      Go to the accident and emergency department of your local hospital, ring your friends and ask them to come with you.
c)      Go to your doctor to get Tami-flu
d)     None of the above
  1. What do you do if a family member contracts swine flu?
a)      Keep areas in your house closed
b)      Allow only healthy persons to have contact with them as much as possible.
c)      Wash your hands only after contact with the patient.
d)     If possible isolate the ill family
  1. Can we vaccinate people against H1N1?
a)      Currently there is no vaccines for swine flu
b)      There is vaccine for swine flu
c)      There is no research undertaken to find vaccine for swine flu
d)     Swine will not respond to antiviral drugs if taken immediately or soon after infection has started.
  1.  Why is there so much concern about the current outbreaks?
a)      The current strain of H1N1 is a novel virus which has spread quickly throughout the world.
b)      The current strain shows person-to-person transmission
c)      Affects adult population
d)      The current strain shows animal-to-person transmission
  1. Which statement is correct?
A) The transmission refers to the passing of the disease from one person to another person 
B) The spread of influenza refers to the wide diffusion of the disease among a large number of animals.
a)      Both A and B is correct
b)       A only
c)      A is correct B is wrong
d)      Both A and B is wrong
22.  what can you do to avoid catching swine flu
a)      wash hands or use gels,
b)      wear a face mask, bin the tissue after one use,
c)       always carry the tissue,
d)     All the above
23.  what can you do to avoid catching swine flu
a)      cover your mouth and nose with clean tissues when you cough or sneeze,
b)      avoid contacting people who is return from pandemic area.
c)      Both a and b
d)     None of the above
24.  What is the slogan you need to remember to avoid swine flu?
a)      Catch it, wipe it. Kill it
b)     Catch it, bin it, kill it
c)      Clean it, bin it, kill it
d)     Kill it, chase it, bin it
  1. Who are flu friends?
a)      Neighbors’, relatives and friends who can collect medicine for you when  you are ill
b)      Friend who have flu
c)      Friend who have given you flu
d)     Friends and relatives who you need to look after if they have flu
  1. Do you need face mask?
a)      Yes, we should wear a face mask at all times
b)     No, face mask don’t protect people from becoming infected
c)      Yes,  if you have swine flu
d)     No,  you should stay at home
  1. Does our Indian government have enough drugs to treat Indian people?
a)      Yes, there is enough drug in govt but not in private pharmacist
b)      No, drugs are not enough
c)      They are ordering drug from other country
d)     This virus need no drug
28.  What should be done when an outbreak occurs in your place?
a)      controlling marketing,
b)      not necessary to impose movement restrictions or quarantine measures,
c)       No need of vaccinating
d)     None of the above
29.  What is the complication of invfluenza A(H1N1)?
a)      SARS
b)      pneumonia
c)      asthma
d)     all the above
  1. What are the best methods of decontaminating the virus?
a)      Soapy water
b)      Tap water
c)      Mineral water
d)     No need to wash hand
  1. What is the best treatment for influensa A (H1N1)?
a)      Vaccination
b)     Prevention
c)      Antiviral medications
d)     No treatment